- Generic change request template
- General information
- Detailed instructions to modify file set and resubmit
- Review underway (apologies for delay)
- Providing dataset DOI
- Recommendations and questions
- Requesting README
- Requesting CODEBOOK
- Intellectual property and copyright
- Use of third party data
- Attribution of third party data
- Data cannot be redistributed
- Deterring submitters from overly restrictive license
- Potential sensitivities
- Disclosure risk: Human subjects data not anonymized
- Disclosure risk: Request for consent form
- Disclosure risk: Consent form restricts data sharing
- Disclosure risk: Decline to publish insufficiently anonymized data
- Potential sensitivity: Occurrence data for vulnerable or threatened species
- Preservation
- Acknowledgement of preservation choice
- Request for additional information
- Change request – file formats example
- Other
- Depositing code or software in a dedicated software repository (GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket → Software Heritage)
- Publishing GitHub repository in Zenodo
- Encoding errors in text file
- Embargo: embargo longer than one year
- Rare or proprietary formats: request alternate format
- Excel best practices
- FRDR specific information
- Sponsor relationship confirmed
- Sponsor relationship not confirmed
- Request for sponsor information
- Log in to Globus account
- Applications from government agencies
- Institutional login not available
- Application denied
- Instructions to manually accept FRDR/Globus invitation
- Setting up a Collection
- Takedown requests
- Potentially inappropriate files: Deposit does not contain data
- End-user requested update to FRDR interface